Sunday, January 4, 2015

My Eulogy to My Dad

For those interested in my words to honor my you go...

Two things - first please excuse me if I break down.  The last three weeks have been the hardest of my life.  And two, how 'bout them Hogs?  I believe they pulled out a win in honor my daddy!  Sorry to any Texas fans there may be in the crowd.

So, here we go.

Wade Turner - a father, a husband, a grandfather, a cousin, a son, a friend, a coach, a confidant - so many ways to describe this one man.  He was certainly a lot of things to a lot of people.  For me, he was everything.  My super hero.  We didn't say, "You're my whole world," to each other for nothing. 

I'm having the hardest time believing, understanding, and accepting that he isn't here.  I also can't bring myself to talk about him in the past tense.  He loves me and always will is a good example of that.  I also do it out of respect for the fact that a parent's love, and in this case, a father's love for his daughter, never dies.

My dad has taught me so much, and I felt it fitting to share some of his lessons with you today.  First and foremost, the man taught me true, solid work ethic.  If you work hard enough, you're going to be okay.  Daddy worked until the last day that he could.  His death is perhaps such a shock because we all saw a man who wouldn't give up or slow down for anything.  There is so much from that to respect.

He also taught me how to dream big and how to use that work ethic in order to achieve it all.  Case in point, I moved myself to Israel and have built a beautiful life that I wouldn't trade for anything.  All with Dad's support and blessings.

Perhaps to the disappointment of my mom and others, Dad also taught me how to fight and cuss with the best of them.  I'm shocked that I haven't said a curse word yet...but I guess there is still time.

I believe that Daddy's most splendid gift of all was how to love unconditionally without judgement with all of his heart.  This was something that I was lucky enough to experience everyday and the value of his that I hold most dear.

There is one more thing that Daddy has left with me that I want to share.  That is a strength so other worldly that I didn't know it was possible.  Perhaps some of you saw on Facebook this #wadestrong.  This fine gentleman (gesturing to the Methodist minister who officiated the funeral) reminded me of Daddy's strength when I was at my lowest point these past three weeks, when I thought my physical self was literally falling to pieces from the pain of losing my dad.  Carter said to me, "You've got this.  You're strong - Wade strong."  And I guess I am.

Please take with you today a piece of my father, whether it be his compassion, his strength, his laughter (oh, that laughter!), or his ability to tell dirty jokes to any and everyone.  And for Heaven's sake, share stories with me about my dad.  What an individual.  My daddy, the superhero, flying with the angels and painting the most magnificent skies I've ever seen.  Thank you all for coming to pay respect to the best man I know.

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